
Communicate with your doctor, request refills, access test results, request new appointments and more with MyChart available now at Five Rivers Health Centers.

Don't have a MyChart account?

Already a Five Rivers patient? Create a MyChart account to easily access your medical history and pay your bills online.

Create Account

Login to MyChart

You can communicate with your primary care provider at Five Rivers Health Centers via the MyChart button below.

Use MyChart


A phone texting with chat bubbles

Communicate with your doctor

Get answers to your medical questions from the comfort of your own home
An icon indicating patient records

Access your test results

No more waiting for a phone call or letter-view your results and your doctor's comments within days
An icon of pharmacy refills in a shopping cart

Request prescription refills

Get answers to your medical questions from the comfort of your own home
An icon of a calendar indicating patient appointments

Manage your appointments

Get answers to your medical questions from the comfort of your own home
An icon of a phone

Need assistance with MyChart? 

If you already have an account/access code and need assistance, call 866-668-0592
An icon of a patient bill

Pay your bill

Pay your bill online through MyChart

How to use MyChart